Installs, maintains, troubleshoots and upgrades computer hardware, software, personal computer networks, peripheral equipment and e-mail systems; assesses user training needs and trains users in effective use of applications; makes recommendations regarding software and hardware acquisitions; and performs related work as required. Certifications are required and should be presented at time of interview.
Examples of Key Duties: (Duties are illustrative and not inclusive and may vary with individual assignment)
- Installs, configures and upgrades operating systems and software, using standard business and administrative packages; may modify specific applications for use in operational departments.
- Installs, assembles and configures computers, monitors, network infrastructure and peripherals such as printers, scanners and related hardware; pulls cables and rewires or directs the rewiring of cables as required for new installations and office reconfiguration.
- Troubleshoots problems with computer systems, including troubleshooting hardware and software, e-mail, network and peripheral equipment problems; makes repairs and corrections where required.
- Acts as a technical resource in assisting users to resolve problems with equipment and data; staffs a centralized help desk to facilitate exchange of information and advice; implements solutions or notifies outsource providers as required.
- Makes hardware and software acquisition recommendations including helping users assess needs and providing justification for equipment and services.
- Assists with the planning, design, research and acquisition of new or upgraded hardware and software systems; maintains current knowledge of hardware, software and network technology and recommends modifications as necessary; and,
- Performs other duties of a similar nature or level, and other duties as required;
Individual must be willing to travel and may be required to work remotely or on-site. Clean and professional appearance is a must. Individual is expected to have excellent customer service skills and be willing to work within a team environment to troubleshoot and resolve client issues. Must be able to pass a background check.